Cancer is caused due to the mutation in the cells, which divide uncontrollably, so as to form an abnormal mass of cells inside the body. Nausea, loss of appetite, constipation, and fatigue are common problems in cancer patients undergoing chemo and radiation therapy. Adjunct treatment with herbo-mineral and metallic Ayurvedic drugs appears to have a significant effect on reducing the toxic side effects of chemotherapy drugs in cancer patients. Ayurvedic treatment should be given simultaneously from the beginning of chemotherapy to have the desired effect. Ayurvedic medicines are helpful for preventing or suppressing various tumors.
Ayurvedic experts consider cancer as Granthi and Arbud which is a manifestation of chronic inflammatory neoplasm.
Ayurveda defines cancer as a chronic imbalance of Tridosha (pathophysiological entities), dhatus (tissue), and Triguna (mental qualities) and can be treated without any side effect. Ayurvedic herbs help total healing, reduces the side effects and cancer-associated complications. Andrographis paniculata, Withania somnifera, Phyllanthus niruri, Piper longum, Tinospora cordifolia, and Semecarpus anacardium are helpful in the treatment of various cancers. Curcumin, Cannabis, Calotropis gigantean, Nigella sativa, Picrorrhiza kurroa, Rubia cordifolia, etc. are various plants having scientific evidence of anticancer property.

The cannabinoids from the Cannabis sativa plant, have been promising results in cancer treatment. CBD and THC can be helpful in treating nausea and vomiting from cancer chemotherapy and also efficient in cancer pain management. Cannabinoids along with other Ayurvedic herbs may slow growth and reduce the spread of some forms of cancer.
The main difference between Western and Ayurvedic treatment of cancer is that Ayurveda doesn’t have any aggressive body treatments. Ayurveda stimulates the self-healing abilities of the body. Ayurveda has a wide range of therapies and herbs to purify and support body tissues for natural recovery. The treatment agenda starts at balancing the Tridosha’s and Triguna’s. The mind-body approach of Ayurveda can help a patient to recover and prevent serious chronic diseases. In all the stages, Ayurveda can provide extensive knowledge of herbs and treatment strategies. During chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, Ayurveda can help to reduce the side effects of the treatment as well as assist the body in its recovery process.
Panch Karma therapies are recommended to activate the body’s self-healing ability, calm the Doshas and Gunas and remove excess Kapha and toxins from the body. Depending on the cause (Dosha), the site of the tumor, and the strength of the patient, large parts of the body channels are cleansed and the Dhatus nourished and revitalized with herbs, diet, and Yogic supports. After chemotherapy Pancha Karma will be beneficial for the recovery of both body and mind.
Ayurvedic medicine includes the use of many different plant-based products that may have anticancer properties. Ayurvedic approach to cancer treatment as supportive care is an effective alternative to conventional Western therapies. Agni Rasayana is a promising ayurvedic formulation for cancer treatment. It helps maintain whole-body balance, comfort, and beyond. It is an herbal blend of Withania somnifera, Semecarpus Anacardium, and Curcumin processed with juice Cannabis sativa. Together, these ingredients help boost the ECS by working to promote the healthy activity and balance of endocannabinoid compounds, endocannabinoid receptors, and enzymes.