Mon – Sat 9.00 – 19.00

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6/5 Priyadarshani East, Supela, Bhilai, (C.G.), India



What is Role of Ayurveda in Muscular Dystrophy Treatment?

Muscle wasting & loss of walking lead to wheelchair dependence and eventually death. No treatment is at present known in any system of medicine which has any definite influence upon muscular dystrophy. The absence of specific treatment for muscular dystrophy makes it all the more important to consider complementary ayurvedic approaches of treatment. The dysfunction of Vata & Dhatvagnis is the main pathology. Being a genetic disease, muscle degeneration occurs due to progressive diminishing of Dhatvagnis specially Mamsagni along with aggravation of Vata element. Ayurveda holds promise of optimum health and functional abilities.

What makes Ayurvedic Treatment of NMD unique?

Ayurveda consideres this condition as Mamsa-Vata-Kshaya related to Beeja dosha and impairments of Mamsagni (muscle enzyme). It involves deranged vata and subsequent degeneration of muscles and structures related to it. Ayurvedic treatment might slow or stop the progression of muscle degeneration. So far we have treated Duchenne type, Bucker type and Limb-Girdle type of patients with very promising results such as (i) weight loss (ii) Decrease in blood CK level (iii) Relief in Pain and Stress (iv) Decrease in walking difficulty (v) Further check on muscle wasting and contractures.These results suggest that there is check on further muscle destruction.

How Ayurvedic Treatment works?

The Ayurvedic rasayana drugs are well known for their effect to delay / slow or reverse the progressive muscular degeneration. Some of the ingredients of Mamsagni Rasayana have been scientifically verified for their possible protective influence in muscular dystrophy. The Mamsagni Rasayana is supposed to boost Mamsagni at muscle tissue level. It balances the Vata derangement due to ama and thus retards the muscular degeneration due to ama (fat deposition). The Til-Masha Pinda Sweda stablize and improves the membrane defect removes the extra fat from the tissue. The Anuvasana Vasti balances the Vata element. The Yogic Muktasana series minimise the contractures, a condition often associated with muscular dystrophy in which shortened muscles around joints cause abnormal and sometimes painful positioning of the joints. In addition, Pawan Muktasana along with certain other asanas such as Bhujangasana may prevent or delay scoliosis, or curvature of the spine. The Bhastrika Pranayama may support Cardio- Respiratory system and may improve process of beta-oxidation at cellular level. Since we have noticed improved functional ability along with a fall in serum Creatine kinase (CK) level it means there is check on further muscle destruction.

Is Ayurvedic Treatment successful?

The Ayurvedic treatment involving Rasayana group of herbo-mineral or gold based medicine, yogic support and specific Panch karma procedures have shown definite protective influence and longer survival upon muscular dystrophy. It was observed that degeneration of muscle fibres were arrested after 6 weeks of administration of Mamsagni Rasayana. This was presumed on the basis of reduced CK level in blood. However DMD boys have shown very slow progress.

What is the Success Rate?

The success rate in DMD boys is poor but 40 % to 60% in BMD and LGMD cases.

What is scope of further Research?

Muscular dystrophies are genetic disorders with consequential protein deficiency in muscle. It results in chronic inflammation and severe skeletal muscle degeneration. How the lack of the sarcolemmal protein dystrophin gives rise to the final disease status is still not clear. Several evidences suggest a role of dysregulation of NF-kappaB in muscular dystrophy. Nuclear factor kappa-B blockade reduces skeletal muscle degeneration and enhances muscle function. Regulation & control of NF?B is thus important. Ayurvedic Til-Mash Pinda Swedana treatment along with Rasayana herbo-mineral resources should be investigated in the light of possible influence on Sarcolemal membrane and NF-B: blockade. The Ayurvedic program is useful in the long term management of muscular dystrophies. There is further need of controlled studies on a large scale with improved study design and assessment techniques.

What is Muscle Dystrophy and how to slow down detoriation?

Our current understanding of Muscle Dystrophy indicates that there are two general approaches to the treatment that offer hope. The first approach is to develop the technology for effectively re-introducing the deficient gene, or a functional portion of it, into the dystrophic muscles. However, significant technical hurdles have thus far prevented the development of a suitable gene therapies. It is important, therefore, to develop alternative therapeutic strategies for improved quality of Life. The Ayurvedic treatments are meant to slow the progress of the deterioration by regulating the large contribution of immune cells to the death of dystrophic muscle.

What is Mamsagni Rasayana & how is acts?

Mamsagni Rasayana is an investigational drug that is only available through AMDS India. The only form of MR that meets regulatory requirements for safety and purity and is appropriate for use in humans is manufactured by AMDS India under direct supervision of Dr Mukesh D Jain.
Mamsagni Rasayana 500 mg is found effective to stop further deterioration of muscles. Patient can notice effect within 6-8 weeks. The medicine should be used for 6-8 month. It is taken orally, has the potential to address the underlying degenerative Vata derangement causing destruction of the muscle fibers. It gives better results if used along with TMP ayurvedic therapy and Yogic support. Mamsagni Rasayana does not alter the patient’s genetic code or introduce genetic materials into the body. It is natural product developed and being clinically used by AMDS India for Care through ayurvedic research project since 1995. This natural dietary medicament is safe for human consumption.

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What is the role of TMP procedure?

TMP Therapy is a special muscle empowering procedure using extracts of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Bala (Sida cordifolia), and Ashwagandha (W. somnifera), and Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), and Haridra (Curcuma domestica), and Daru Haridra (Berberis aristata), and Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus), and Barbreng (Embelia ribes), and Mamsa Rohini: (Soymida febrifuda) as additional ingredients to Til, Masha, unpolished rice and wheat bran, all cooked in the decoction of Bala ( Sida cordifolia ), Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera ) and milk. This procedure help to stablize the Sarcolemma membrane defect in the musle fibres. It also remove excess fat deposition in the muscle and increases muscle power.

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